Workshop Presenter – BeYOUtiful Possibilities: Silent No More!



Royal Sonesta – Houston, Texas
Event Details
Event Description

The abusive family system requires silence. Speaking out is a punishable crime. Silence and denial invoke thoughts of self-hatred and self-blame. This disturbance interferes with the quiet whispers of God’s love. Together we will journey into the stillness where God’s love heals our brokenness. Let’s unleash the BeYOUty within and set sail for our FabYOUlous life.

Saturday, July 29 @ 10:00 am – The International CoDA Convention (ICC)

The International CoDA Convention (ICC) is a time and place for codependents to meet to celebrate and further their recovery. Newcomers and old-timers attend workshops and enjoy hearing speakers share their experiences, strength,s and hopes for CoDA Recovery.

Please join us for a fantastic weekend!
